Private Sessions
Dream Interpretation
Using my expertise from more than a decade of dream work, my training and my intuition, I will unpack your dream and give you many new ways to explore its meaning in your life. Together during our time, we will have an engaged dialogue where I will suggest what dream interpretation techniques may work and you can guide us towards which interpretations resonate most deeply with you.
If a client chooses, both spiritual direction and dream work can be combined in a single time slot.
Spiritual Direction
As a trained, certified spiritual director, I set a safe container in which directees are free to tell stories about their own spiritual journey and wrestle with whatever arises from their present life in regards to the bigger questions about life and existence.
When meeting in Spiritual Direction, my goal is to meet you where you are, understand your beliefs and opinions, and support your spiritual journey without judgement or interference. I follow your lead and ask questions and make observations to help us both watch your spiritual evolution, together.
If a client chooses, dreams can be brought into spiritual direction appointments. We can do both dream interpretation and spiritual direction in the same time slot.
If this is your first time considering spiritual direction, select the “Inquiry Spiritual Direction Session” option on my scheduler for a deep discount on your first one-hour appt.