Pam’s Picks
Useful stuff for dream interpretation, sleep wellness, & spiritual wellbeing!
After being in the dream and spirituality field since 2007, I have accumulated a large collection of very useful resources (exceptional people, places, things and products). And I add more everyday!
This resource page is my very own collection of things people like us (dreamy mystics and spiritual junkies) would want. It’s what I would have wanted to know about 20 years ago!
The affiliate links on this page allow me to continue to connect you to curated stuff I think you’ll find very useful.
Each blog post features one pick of my own choosing. Posts are grouped by tags and categories. Use the search function to find something specific, or browse by category. You can also scroll through to see what calls to you!
The posts in this blog may contain affiliate links and ads through which Sweet Georgia Pam, LLC may earn various forms of compensation for products and/or services mentioned or linked. Rest assured that NO extra cost will be added to your checkout activity as a result of getting there through a link on this page. Your cost is the same whether you shop through the links here or go directly to the site on your own.
Erasable Dream Journal?
Hear me out, what if you could record dreams in your own hand-written script without adding to your pile of old dream journals? I have started using the Rocketbook as an erasable, reusable dream journal ~ yay for the planet!