Navigate your dreams. Nurture your soul!
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Hi! I’m Pam. Welcome to my site!

Dreams + Spirituality

Learn dream interpretation, find spiritual guidance and get help reading the signs.


Get a dream interpreted

  • A Dream Interpretation or Reading is a one-on-one zoom session with me to decipher the meaning from a dream you have had.

    I bring all of myself (the intuitive & the practical), including years of study and 10,000 hours of practice, into each session.

    My interest in and study of dreams started around 2004 and is based in the principles of Carl Jung, renowned psychologist who pioneered analytical psychology and developed many core concepts of consciousness used today.

    I am an active member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and an avid reader of the latest dream research.

  • After welcoming you, I will ask you to share the dream (*if you brought one) and anything else that feels important for me to know.

    Then, I will ask you a few follow up questions to be sure I fully understand the dream and details.

    Next, I will share a detailed reflection of what all the symbols might mean and what else the details are pointing out to me.

    We will have an open back and forth dialogue for the duration for your session where you will get a chance to ask follow up questions, add more details, talk about concerns or explore new insights.

    *it is not necessary for you to have a recent dream, or even any dream at all when booking; I will have some prepared dream help on hand if we need a starting point.

  • If you already have a dream in mind when booking your session, have it in writing with you when we start.

    You will also want to pay attention to (and record) any new dreams you have between booking and the day of your appointment.

    Bring as many dreams with you as you like, I can handle it.

    If you do not have a specific dream in mind, it will help if you write down any dream-related questions or concerns you have.

    BE SURE TO have something to write on and with when we begin. Dream sessions always uncover something unexpected and you will definitely want to write it down for later reflection.


Currently accepting new spiritual directees.

  • Spiritual direction, or guidance, is a one-on-one zoom session dedicated to hearing and guiding you along your individual spiritual path.

    In a typical session, you share stories from your life (that pertain to your personal spiritual journey) and I listen intuitively for symbols, reflections and patterns that will may help. Our shared goal is for you to see your experience in a deeper or more helpful way and to find, sense and even hear from the Divine.

    Spiritual Direction is an ancient profession. Spiritual directors are trained to listen for the things that are unsaid, and to detect the presence of that still, small voice within. I am a trained, certified spiritual director (through the Haden Institue, 2016). I also mentor and supervise spiritual directors in training since 2019 (at Zeitgeist Atlanta, I am an active member of the spiritual direction professional organization,

  • In session, I use my innate empathic guidance and my intuitive sensitivity to reflect with you on the stories you share during our time together.

    Sessions are free-form, meaning there is no cookie-cutter format. Just you, me, and whatever arises between us in the form of metaphors, images, wonderings, reflections, questions, or intuitive hunches.

    You can be assured that I am always comfortable, professional, in control, and open to vulnerable, poignant, powerful moments that may arise at any moment in every session.

    People leave sessions feeling heard, seen, understood and celebrated.

    Though I cannot guarantee it, my goal in each and every session is for you to leave with a few new ideas about ways to continue exploring whatever we have discussed.

  • As soon as you book your session, you may notice a renewed sense of urgency gathering around a specific theme or issue in your life. It is a good idea to keep a list of any thoughts, worries, ideas or stories that come to mind.

    If it’s your thing, spend some time in silence/prayer/meditation before we meet and bring a few notes about what you’re interested in sharing with me, or asking about.

    It is not necessary for you to do anything before our session. I am prepared to guide us if you are unsure what you wish to discuss.


Explore the course catalog!

  • Dreams: An Introduction to the Hidden Self will teach you how to start interpreting your dreams. Throughout, you will meet your very own hidden Self who is always sending you support and guidance from inside your nighttime dreams. Dive into dream interpretation and learn to actually know what your dreams are trying to tell you! Meet your own inner-advisor, the “Hidden Self” and start living more fully awake! Get started... CLICK HERE!

  • The Dreamers’ Forum is an online community where you can connect in real-time with me and also interact with other students in the course. Don’t just learn to listen to your inner wisdom, get the support you need to stay consistent in keeping an open dialogue with yourself! CLICK HERE to join!

  • 33 Ways to Work with Your Dreams:A Beginner’s Guide to Dream Work is available on Amazon or Kindle! For more, CLICK HERE!

  • Follow along with The Hidden Meaning of Dreams Podcast, which I co-host with Melissa Carter! In each episode, we break down one dream or one common topic about symbolism, sleep and dreams. Listen: CLICK HERE!


NEW Service ~ spots still available!

If you are a healer, a practitioner of one of the many healing modalities out there, or a spiritual director then you might be interested in being in supervision to maintain professional integrity and accountability.


Dream work leads to…

  • making better decisions with more confidence

  • gaining clarity about any struggle or situation

  • experiencing more syncrhonicities and unexpected miracles

  • accessing creativity with ease

  • noticing deeper, more authentic feelings

  • being less afraid

Why are dreams the perfect tool for your personal transformation?


- you’re not alone; we all have weird, or embarrassing, or terrifying dreams sometimes


- how cool is it that they’re fun and helpful?!


- we dream even when we don’t remember them, and there are ways to remember more of them when you’re ready to


- strange but true, your dreams are crafted from within your unconscious mind, for your eyes only and based on what is going to be most helpful- making them perfectly suited to advise you on issues!

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